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  • Valiant81 - (2 years ago)

    the other vids i've seen shows the lioness attacking and a lot of times she gets thrown around a couple times. what's interesting is the strength of that male lion. the buffalo didn't move very much. and the buffalo is a verrrrrrrrrry strong animal.

  • manjot1 - (2 years ago)

    wtf were them 2 male lions doing, they werent even biting the buffalo properly

  • hippodaug - (2 years ago)

    That's funny. The male lion was humping the buffalo! lol Or it looked like it. XD

  • DominoShadow - (2 years ago)

    .....Cowardly? How on earth was that cowardly? Maybe to HUMANS hunting in groups is cowardly... but hu8mans are the most unintelligent animal known.For animals... in order to survive they usually go after the young, the sick, the old... is that cowardly? Now it's called weeding. Something humans should consider (not the hunting part)

  • asajasdnfo - (2 years ago)

    i think the buffalo gave up when the lion bited his balls , hes thoutghts were : a buffalo with no balls shoud end eaten by the lions and save hes pride' . that was he underbelt blow , a man with no balls shoud end up being a gay . buffalos are no gay like some people are . so he chosed dieing

  • KharnakRex - (2 years ago)

    what.. the hell... just.. dont type anything, ever, again. -_o

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